Portfolio and Experience

My first AI in CS 107: Introduction to Computer Science & Data Structures

finds Gender Neutral Restrooms anywhere in America! When creating GNR, the web app originally ran on Sinatra (a Ruby framework). Afterwards, GNR transitioned to Flask (a Python Framework). This web app won the 2017 Congressional App Challenge for California, 13th Congressional District!

Website Repository

takes user information for cities to use during natural disasters. Using Flask, a person can register, login, and view personal data. An admin can also view all the user data in a user-friendly database and text everyone in the database with a touch of a button. This was created as our group’s Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program 2017 final project.

Website Repository

was created at Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program 2017 at Facebook HQ. This was my first time creating my own website.

Website Repository

Using Django, an admin can create posts, comments, and draft posts. Anyone can also comment, but the comment needs an admin’s permission to be seen. The admin does not need to go to the admin portal to make posts, edit posts, or approve comments. Admins’ can login by pressing the lock.

Website Repository

Stager is an website that takes information for every stage at Outside Land like the artists whom is playing. This was created at the 2017 Outside Lands Hackathon. You can also see what is going on through our integrated twitter feed which is linked to twitter bots that will retweet messages containing a hashtag. Therefore, people can see what's going on at each stage and if they want to head toward it.

Website Repository
Develop and update Hayward’s Anti-Discrimination Action Plan; co-lead the Accessibility Section; lead constituent town hall meetings.

Website Video Plan Draft Hayward Community Task Force
Jan 2017 to Pres.
Propose and enact Community Service Proposal for Hayward Unified School District. The Hayward Youth Commission (HYC) advises the Mayor and City Council, and the elected boards of the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District (HARD) and Hayward Unified School District (HUSD) about issues that affect young people in the Hayward community. Members may also work on a number of projects and activities throughout the year, e.g., identifying youth needs, organizing youth speakouts and conferences, etc.

The Hayward Youth Commission (HYC) advises the Mayor and City Council, and the elected boards of the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District (HARD) and Hayward Unified School District (HUSD) about issues that affect young people in the Hayward community. Members may also work on a number of projects and activities throughout the year, e.g., identifying youth needs, organizing youth speakouts and conferences, etc.

Website Video Plan Draft
Jan 2017 to Pres.
Organize annual high school, middle school, and educators’ conference at UC Berkeley for Tobacco Prevention;establish and award districtwide Anti-Tobacco Award. The Youth Advisory Board (YAB) is a youth-centered, youth-directed group of students who address health-related issues. YAB members are in grades 9-12 and represent multiple Alameda County schools. YAB members develop skills that empower them to create healthy school and community environments through awareness and advocacy projects.

Website 2018 PSA Video 2017 PSA Video 2018 Contest 2017 Contest
Aug 2016 to Pres.
Create districtwide homework policy for K-12 through use of survey, public work sessions, and focus groups. Following community interest in reviewing district homework policies and practices, AUSD is convening a homework workgroup. Bringing representatives from multiple stakeholder groups including teachers, parents/guardians, students, and other district personnel to create a new Alameda Unified School District Homework Policy.

Following community interest in reviewing district homework policies and practices, AUSD is convening a homework workgroup. Bringing representatives from multiple stakeholder groups including teachers, parents/guardians, students, and other district personnel to create a new Alameda Unified School District Homework Policy.

June 2017 to Pres.
Manage fundraising, marketing and recruitment for FIRST FRC robotics team; write grants, serve as spokesperson, coordinate with high school; serve on Code Team.

Aug 2014 to Pres.
Work with Girls Who Code to improve our Alumni network on the Girls Who Code app, Loop. Creates weekly content. Monthly, coordinate attendance to events in the Bay Area. The 2017 Summer Immersion Program at Facebook HQ was a seven week program to learn about computer science and robotics with a class of eighteen girls. Learned Java, JavaScript, HTML, Scratch, C++, CSS, Python. Worked in groups of 2 - 4 to solve bugs and program. Gained work experience at a large tech company. Traveled to various tech companies around Silicon Valley. Created a strong professional network.
Aug 2017 to Pres.
Lead and implement city’s paperless transition through creating computer programs and presentations; accompany mayor to meetings.
Sep 2017 to Pres.
Produce weekly lesson plans and educate students who attend a STEM school on the significance of art and culture.
Aug 2015 to Pres.
Created STEM curriculum and helped teach camp; helped review, test an electrochemistry curriculum developed with United States Naval Academy STEM Outreach Office.

Summer 2016